Dave Haaz-Baroque

Dave Haaz-Baroque (he/him) is a regular puppeteer and puppet-maker for Kat Robichaud's Misfit Cabaret. His puppet creations have been featured in the SF Oasis production of Buffy the Vampire Slayer Live, the New Conservatory Theatre Center's Sagittarius Ponderosa, the annual Edwardian Ball, the television show Creepy KOFY Movie Time, and the Berkeley Playhouse production of Into the Woods.

Dave can be seen performing around town with his troupe Shadow Circus Creature Theatre, a puppet show where rubber dinosaurs get drunk and cuss a lot. He is currently banned from Wal*Mart because of an unfortunate incident with trained raccoons and a Tupperware set.

You can find him on Instagram @creaturetheatre and learn more about his puppets on his troupe’s Facebook page.

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